Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Bride Wars

I started off this morning not doing very well. I woke up stressed and got annoyed when all of my coworkers kept coming up to me saying, "OMG how excited are you for the wedding?!" "Are you ready? Nervous?" Now, I'm not a very peppy, girly person anyway, so I wouldn't normally respond with an exaggerated, "Yes, OMG I cannot wait!"

But this morning, I was in no mood. Someone should have told me that once you enter the PR world, it ruins your chance to enjoy planning your wedding. You suddenly find yourself yelling at vendors, creating 'run-of-shows' for your entire wedding party (plus parents and children) and getting annoyed when people don't email/call you back within 30 seconds, because hey, this is how we're expected to act to our clients, so shouldn't it be the same? Well no...apparently.

This afternoon, I took a much-needed break and walked to Mildred's to get coffee. On my way back, I stopped into Birdies to get my mind off things. Shopping has always cured all in the past. Why should my wedding be any exception? I turn the corner in this small boutique and come across a beautiful gold necklace with the word Love written in cursive. As cliche as this moment might be, it made me realize that Love is the reason I have thousands of wedding-related post it notes on my desk, and Love is the reason why I'm sure my DJ can't stand me.

Love is the reason for this week, for this weekend, the meaning of my entire life. Love is why I'm marrying my most favorite person in the entire world on Saturday. And Love is the reason why I need to stop stressing, stop bitching and start enjoying myself (and all the small mishaps that are bound to occur).

Oh, and yes I bought the necklace. Duh!

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